Denise Newland

1 Jan 2017 – 17 Feb 2017


Our first show in the gallery for 2017 features the work of Denise Newland. This multi-talented artist is exhibiting a variety of stone pieces, mixed media art and paintings. 29 pieces are on show for this exhibition. Do come and enjoy this artwork in our gallery.




Denise was born and brought up in Sydney, Australia of Maltese heritage. She now calls New Plymouth home having lived there for 27 years. She has traveled to Malta several times to learn and explore her family background along with living and working in various countries around the world including 17 years in the Canadian Northwest.


Revival - Denise Newland art
Revival – Acrylic on canvas

Having had a lifelong passion for art Denise is at home with many media including paint, print, mixed media and stone. Her inspiration comes from nature, her surroundings and life experiences. Creating art comes from within and Denise’s work is a reflection of her internal environment.


Denise Newland - Connections 1 and 2
Connections 1 & 2 – mixed media on canvas

The process of creating art is as important as the final outcome to Denise. With an idea held gently in mind, her hands create what comes naturally through the materials to become a unique expression of the artist.


Denise has been creating art and exhibiting in New Zealand for more than 20 years and before that in British Colombia, Canada. She has participated in numerous group and solo exhibitions during this time and her work will be found in many local and overseas homes and gardens. She has participated in Te Kupenga International Stone Symposium on the New Plymouth foreshore in 2010, 2012 and 2014 and in the Cut and Polished small stone exhibitions held every other year.